“What it means to Be a Gift to the World, personally, and in my own words" is the theme for the 2016 District 5190 Speech Contest.

Sparks Rotary will host the Area 8 contest for participating students on April 13, 2016. The winner has the opportunity to advance to the  District level contest on May 14 . All speech documents and information are available through the District website at www.rotarydistrict5190.org.

The speech contest provides an exceptional opportunity for the young people in our community. Each year talented students demonstrate their speaking skills in front of Rotarians, guests and families …it is amazing to watch! Again, this year we will be providing students an opportunity to display their talent.

Each speaker will be introduced by number only with no mention of names or school affiliation until all contestants have given their speeches. Please hold your applause between speakers so that judges are not influenced by the audience, and that there will be silence between speakers to allow the judges an opportunity to rate the speakers.